Your Microbiome

Your Microbiome

Microbiome, probiotics, prebiotics and gut bacteria are terms you have probably heard before. If you wondered what exactly they mean, I’ve got you covered. Here’s what your microbiome is and why it matters. Gut bacteria A microbiome is a community of...


Fibre is healthy for our bodies. It feeds the kinds of bacteria we want in our gut and slows down the glucose intake which protects the liver. In unprocessed foods fibre comes in two types because they work perfectly together. Water soluble and water insoluble fibre ...
Processed Food

Processed Food

Processed food has become a scary term lately. The truth is though that we have been processing food for thousands of years. Some foods, like meat and eggs, have to be cooked, which is a form of processing, to become safe. So processing itself is not an issue. It does...
Nutritional Yeast

Nutritional Yeast

Nutritional yeast is amazing! It contains vitamins, minerals and even proteins. I use the flakes, which taste cheesy to me. They might have a nutty flavour for you. When I went on Keto a year ago, I had a few intense side effects. One was cramps in my legs. Bananas...
Sugar-Free: The First Week

Sugar-Free: The First Week

Over a year ago, I decided to cut out sugar. Just for a week, I thought back then. I made that decision because I was bored and the experiment seemed like a good idea. It was! Here I am, happier and healthier than I’ve ever been before. That first week, though,...
5 Tips to Go Sugar-Free

5 Tips to Go Sugar-Free

Have you ever thought about a sugar-free life? I had been thinking about it for years. Not continuously, just every now and then. When I finally decided to cut out sugar for a week, I did it out of boredom. I wasn’t prepared for what happened in those first...