There is an easy path to healthy living and it’s lined with delicious food. It was not the path I took. I went on keto for five months because I used to be a rather radical person who enjoyed overcoming struggles. If this is you, here’s the how I did that and 5 tips.

Now that I know everything I have learned about food, nutrition and my body, I also know that there is an easier path. Yes, it will take longer to get the same results I got but keto is an extreme diet and not for everyone. If you prefer the easy way, all you have to do is focus on adding.

Not a diet

When we use the term diet, we usually think of deprivation. I hope all the sugar-free dessert and cake recipes have already convinced you that this is simply not true. Let’s take it a step further: When you shift into better eating habits, you don’t have to eat less or stop eating immediately what you love to eat.

Instead, focus on adding something healthy to your diet every day. By including highly nutritious foods in your daily meals, you slowly but steadily move towards a healthier and happier body.

New habits

Think of this process as creating new habits. Start super small and choose the easiest option for you. Pick one meal you want to add to. Is it your lunch because you always pack it? Or is dinner simpler?

Do not change what you eat. Add to it. So, for example, you usually have a donut for breakfast. Fine. Eat one piece of fruit first. Then you can have your donut. Take-out for dinner? Sure. Eat a salad you prepared yourself before the take-out.

The word repeat in a circle with arrows going around and around.

Eat what you like

Bowl of fruit.

The easier you make this for yourself the more likely you are to stick with it. Choose food that you actually like. If you can’t stand salad, have some anti-pasti before dinner or lunch instead.

If you normally pack your lunch but often don’t eat it because your co-workers convince you to eat out with them, chose a different meal to add to.

Only pick one meal at a time. Stick with it until you have found the version that is so easy for you that you don’t even struggle with it anymore. I now get cranky if I miss my daily salad for dinner because my body is so used to it. Habits help you make changes. Start small and choose something very easy because creating the habit is much more important than what the details look like.

Add some more

After a while, you can add the next piece of healthy food and focus on that until it is a beloved part of your new routine. And then the next. And the next. The change is gradual but it is happening. The more fun you are having the better.

Allow yourself to be curious and experiment. Maybe there is a fruit you’ve always wanted to try. Now’s the time. Or a type of anti-pasti you love but denied yourself because you thought it was unhealthy. Think again. You can try radical diets, but if you did so in the past and they didn’t work for you, why not try the easy way to a healthier body next?

The Dodo Munches cannot and does not contain medical/health advice. The information is provided for general informational and educational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional advice. Please read the full disclaimer here.