Yes, there are healthy carbs. Carbohydrates can be healthy or unhealthy, depending on how they are processed. One type delivers easy energy while the other drains you and over time even makes you sick.

Good vs bad carbs

When we eat carbohydrates, our body takes them apart and turns them into glucose, a molecule that is transported to cells which in turn use it to generate energy. Our default metabolism is the glucose metabolism. Carbohydrates are the easiest energy source for our bodies.

Carbs are not all created equal though. When they occur in nature, carbohydrates are long-chained molecules (complex carbohydrates). Our bodies have to work to break them apart. They also come with two types of fibre which together form a net over the walls in our gut and slow down the intake. As long as we eat unprocessed foods, we’re good.

In processed foods, however, carbohydrate molecules are taken apart through grinding (flour), cutting (smoothies), and other processes that remove the fibre and turn long-chained molecules into short ones (simple carbohydrates). Often sugar is added too. Over time, our body is overwhelmed with far more carbohydrates than we need.

How to eat the “right” amount of carbs

You won’t need your scales or measuring cups for this. You don’t even have to count what you eat because here’s the fantastic news: As long as your carbs come from unprocessed fruit, vegetables, seeds and whole grains, you can eat as much as you want.

Yes, really. When you eat processed food, like a bag of chips, for example, the processed carbs in them spike your insulin levels, which makes your brain think you’re still hungry. So you finish the entire bag.

Grains and seeds.

If, instead, you eat some roasted seeds or muesli, I guarantee that you’ll eat a fraction of 200g. The same applies to fruit and vegetables. Have you ever tried to eat all the fruit and veggies squished into a smoothie? I doubt you could. When you eat unprocessed fruit and vegetables you are automatically full faster. There’s no longer any need to count anything. Just eat until you feel satieted. Your body knows how much energy it needs.

Carbs back on the table

Fruit salad.

I was on keto for 5 months and I enjoyed the life-style. I still cook and bake many keto recipes. To me personally, it’s too strict, though. Also, I exercise a lot because now that I am healthy my body loves to move.

When I began craving carbs again, I figured out what the healthy version looks like. My journey back to carbs started with fruit. Then I added seeds and whole grains. 

I trust my body

Processed carbs are still a big exception. Not because I’m being strict with myself, but because I tried normal wraps and even wholegrain noodles but they no longer taste very good compared with my vegetable recipes.

I even tried using normal flour for pizza dough, just to see if I missed out on anything. But my body no longer likes it. What’s more, I barely managed half a pizza because flour is packed with carbs and I felt full very quickly. So I prefer to stick to seeds and my muesli topped with fruit.

My body is balance now and that is always my main goal. Why not try healthy carbs for yourself? See if they make a difference to how you feel. Only you know what works best for you.

The Dodo Munches cannot and does not contain medical/health advice. The information is provided for general informational and educational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional advice. Please read the full disclaimer here.