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Garlic is not just delicious but also incredibly healthy. So are onions. If only they didn’t cause bad breath. But fret no more because there are several ways to enjoy a flavour-packed meal you won’t regret the next day!

I love garlic!

One of the main reasons why I decided to work remotely was that I can eat as much garlic as I want to. Seriously. I love food and garlic adds that special something to almost every – savory! – meal.

When I went on a Keto diet for a few months, I upped my veggie intake enormously and have been eating a green salad every single day. I used to think, that people were just too polite to tell me that I had bad breath. But it turns out that I had unknowingly stumbled upon the secret to eat garlic.

Peeled garlic.

The research

Researcher fed students different foods and found that apples, green salad and milk products bind the components in garlic and onions that cause bad odours (breath and body) the next day(s). They are currently testing more foods, like yoghurt.

Speaking from personal experience, I can definitely corroborate their results. I’ve been eating a salad with my cooked meal every day for over a year now. I love my salad. And there’s always garlic and plenty of onion in my cooking. I used to think I just didn’t notice the bad breath any more until that one day I couldn’t be bothered to make a salad.

A garlic bulb.

When I woke up the next morning, the taste in my mouth was horrid. As if I’d gotten up in the middle of the night to snack on road kill. It smelled terrible too. Why? Because I’d skipped my lettuce. Now I know that lettuce is one of the foods that binds the molecules in garlic and onions which cause bad smells.

The garlic menu

I was so thrilled when I read up about the research because it means that with a little bit of intentional eating you, I and everyone else can now eat a garlicky meal every day! All we have to do is eat our meal with a green salad, and/or celery, and/or a dairy product, and/or an apple a few hours before.

What does this actually look like on a typical day? I have an apple in the afternoon. For dinner, I cook something delicious like Sweet Potatoes and Mushrooms slathered in Garlic Quark. (There’s my dairy!) As always, the side dish is a big salad with lots of lettuce.

Go ahead and give it a try. Enjoy a delicious meal that lowers your blood pressure, strengthens your immune system and your cardio-vascular health, without side-effects or regrets!