Nutritional yeast is amazing! It contains vitamins, minerals and even proteins. I use the flakes, which taste cheesy to me. They might have a nutty flavour for you. When I went on Keto a year ago, I had a few intense side effects. One was cramps in my legs. Bananas are out on a keto diet (and they had never worked for me in the past anyway). But I soon discovered that a spoon-ful of nutritional yeast took care of the cramps.

How do I eat and store nutritional yeast?

I keep my flakes in an air-tight container in a cool, dark and dry place. When I bought the first batch I was rather overzealous. I bought a 750g packet over a year ago, which I’m still eating. So far, it hasn’t gone bad. So a little goes a long way.

I personally don’t like to sprinkle nutritional yeast on salads although some people do. You could add it to a sauce while you cook it. I prefer to sprinkle it over my dinner after it is cooked. The flakes taste a bit like a parmesan to me.

Nutritional yeast in a tupperware container.

Vitamins, minerals and proteins

If you are a vegetarian and you feel tired or experience brain fog, these could be symptoms of a B12 deficiency. Choose nutritional yeast with added B vitamins. If you are a vegan or want to become one, definitely add it to your diet because it contains the nine amino acids our bodies cannot produce ourselves. Aim for two tablespoons a day.

I usually eat a tablespoon with my brunch. I love combining it with celery sticks. My second favourite combination is to sprinkle nutritional yeast onto an omelette. Any sauce or cheesy dish works well too.

And while I did some research for this post I found out that some people sprinkle it over popcorn! That goes on my list for the next experiment. It’s packed with so much goodness and so easy to add to your daily meals so why not give nutritional yeast a try?

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